POST 6: English Language Challenges

Hello readers of this blog, today I am writing the last blog I will do, I will not delete any blog I have written to have a memory of me on the internet, maybe in a few years I will come back to this platform to know if my English level has improved.

 I found this subject at university very useful, especially to understand scientific papers in English, which are mostly in English haha.
I still need to improve many aspects of my English, I plan to improve them by practicing with Duolingo, watching movies and series with audio and subtitles in English and also listening to music.

Outside of english classes these days I have been using english more often, I have created a twitter account where all the tweets I post are written in english. currently I have 14 followers, I know it is not much but considering that I created the account 3 days ago it is not bad at all. another action I have done to use english more was to change the language on my phone to english to have more contact with the language, since I use the phone almost all day. the first days I did it I had a hard time finding some things in some apps, well... it's still hard haha.


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